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Coming face to face with a venomous snake of India is likely to give you nightmares. However, you would not be able to resist the lure of the beautiful Jasper stone named for the King Cobra on account of its likeness with one of the deadliest snakes in the world. The look is sure to keep you mesmerised as the orbs on the surface of the crystal. The unique shades atop the crystal stone stands out from all other kinds of Jaspers found across the world by dint of its sheer attractiveness.…
Crystals are minerals found within rocks and form a specific shape with a highly structured interior, something like lattice work. The colours of crystals vary sharply as do their properties. While most of them are utilised as adornments and are sold as semi precious jewellery, a few of them are coveted for their metaphysical elements as well. Amazingly, no crystal attains a regular shape I its natural form. Almost all of them are cut and treated before being sold to the customers.…
You would have heard about the limestone deposits in dark, dank caves known by the dual terms, stalactite and stalagmite. Yes! They are wonders of nature that has the visitors braving the darkness to enter the mysterious caves but the stalactite slices that you often see put up for sale are far removed from limestone formations. On the contrary, it is a formation of amethyst that grows in and around a central piece of agate and has to be cross cut to expose the crystal and the agate together.…
You definitely have to let go of feelings that make you despondent. Trying to deal with negativity and despair is not always easy and you may need the expert services of a psychoanalyst at times like these. Fortunately, you may be able to get a hold on your moods by utilizing the magic medicine i.e. healing crystals. Sure, there are numerous quartz and crystals that can help you to transform your mood totally so that you can look forward to the future instead of remaining lost and forlorn.…
Think of crystals and fossils and the name of Madagascar leaps to mind. Sure, the chalcedony, crystals and quartz stones have been sourced from all over the world, yet this island nation of Africa is a treasure trove when you look for the finest minerals that make a difference.The island lying in the Indian Ocean shot into fame in 1997 when sapphires were found in the region! However, Political upheaval and ban in export of gemstones proved to be a difficult time for the nation that could not make use of its resources. Eventually though, a plethora of semi precious stones…
There are very few people not enamored by the brilliance of crystals. While not all of them can be aptly described as a stunning stone yet the colour combos and intrinsic patterns of a variety of both crystals as well as the quartz stones capture the attention.  While both ordinary crystals as well as the rock crystals better known as quartz stones contain a good amount of silicon dioxide, they often differ in terms of properties mainly due to the way they have been shaped.…
It is not enough to keep your body fit and healthy. You need to take care of the spirits within as well. The eastern philosophies speak about a number of chakras that are present throughout our bodies. You need to balance them perfectly in order to achieve fulfillment. Being laden with problems and then going about life with hundreds of anxieties on your mind is definitely not done.…
If you are looking to enhance your education by learning more about minerals and quaint crystals found from deep within the rocks then Madagascan Direct happens to be the right source for you. Well, we have been relentlessly collecting the very best of crystals from Madagascar and other select countries for the mystic and magical lands known for their treasures in the form of brilliant crystals. So, whether you are looking to study the nature of a freeform Fruit Jasper or an Indigo Gabbro, then you have come to the right place.…
The very name of moss agate conjures up the image of a sparkling stone shining with green iridescence. Unfortunately, your imagination has let you down for moss agate can be very different from the picture in your mind. Sure, the stone is known as agate but it does not concur to the rules with no circular rings on it. Instead, you get to find a form of chalcedony created out of silicon dioxide.…
Ametrine that is also known as trystine or by the trade name of bolivite has entranced men for decades. Discovered in Bolivian mines of Anahi in the 1960s, this semi precious gemstone has captivated the attention of dealers, jewelers and fashion lovers alike. It happens to be quartz stone that embodies the colors of both amethyst and citrine thereby attaining a yellow orangish hue with tinges of purple.…
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