King Cobra Jasper


The Lure Of King Cobra Jasper

Coming face to face with a venomous snake of India is likely to give you nightmares. However, you would not beKing Cobra Orbicular Jasper Pebble able to resist the lure of the beautiful Jasper stone named after the King Cobra on account of its likeness with one of the deadliest snakes in the world. The look is sure to keep you mesmerised with the orbs on the surface of the crystal. The unique coloured shades of the crystal stone stand out from all other kinds of Jaspers found across the world due to its sheer attractiveness.

You would be interested to learn that the glorious orbs are created by spherical inclusions of radial aggregates that happen to be needle like accumulation of crystals within the stone. It would excite you to know that Madagascan Direct has come across a treasure trove of the magnificent King Cobra Jaspers in India that are likely to take your breath away. Ranging from the palest of white to a rich King Cobra Orbicular Jasper Hearts for salemaroon hue, there are Reds, yellows, oranges and browns in wonderful spaced patterns accounting for its eye
catching appearance. You would also be astounded to know that we are committed to bring you the very best from the crystal world, a decision that has made us concentrate on collecting and polishing the specimens of King Cobra Jaspers entirely. We have also set up a workshop in the interior of India in order to cater for our prized customers entirely.

While it is true that we had been sourcing almost all of our crystals from Madagascar until now but the demand for orbicular Jaspers has been high causing the source to be insufficient. We are therefore pleased to welcome you to a novel kind of
king cobra orbicular jasperJasper that will fill you with delight, not only for its beautiful appearance but also on account of its amazing metaphysical properties.

The psychics and crystal healers of the world are reluctant to let go of this amazing Jasper that has also been christened as a counsellor’s stone. It is believed to control the anger and tame the primal energy inducing  balancing and calming to the user. It is also known to sharpen the senses and heal a number of ailments thus banishing the negativity completely from the body. Sure, it sounds fantastic but you would have to be a believer to unleash its energy. Feel free to consult King Cobra Orbicular Jasper Egga chakra healer and remember that its metaphysical qualities are not endorsed by us, nor has the FDA approval of it. So, you are going to be very much on your own if you decide to use this wonderful orbicular Jasper for its healing properties.

We, for one believe in what the eye sees and there is absolutely no arguing about its eye catching abilities. We have retained a small team of artisans who are working hard to keep up with the demand by cutting and polishing the stones so as to achieve the spectacular effect. The shapes happen to be greatly pleasing to the eye as well and you will find them as heart shaped objects, freeform shapes, spheres, eggs, and cabochons that have been set in Sterling silver. While you are welcome to wear it as a pendant
king cobra orbicular jasperor a brooch, the bespoke shapes come with a stainless steel stand as well, letting you place the stones in whatever part of the room you prefer it to remain in. Choose a piece of this amazing King of Jasper's than has been likened to the King of all reptiles a.k.a The King Cobra.

Make sure to order early for this fabulous Jasper is found in limited quantity and failing to rush for getting one may result in disappointment. Use it for jewellery making or add it to your growing collection of crystals. You will only be able to source the genuine King Cobra Jasper in highly polished and perfect condition from King Cobra Orbicular Jasper Sphere Hurry to collect your coveted item that comes to you most affordably as well.

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SN16 9SD

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