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During my trip to Madagascar in March 2017 i arrived in a huge cyclone and the flight into Antananarivo was very bumpy and the skies were filled with lightning the like i have never seen before. Upon arrival the rain was torrential and the storm blew for another 3 days. Electricity was scarce and many roads were washed out from the heavy rains. The storm was another blow for the Malagasy people and damage to their homes was quite extensive but luckily casualty reports seemed quite minimal bearing in mind the ferocity of the storm. …
Crystals have been revered and sold throughout history. From enigmatic crystal skulls; to clear quartz crystal balls used for fortune-telling; to crystal jewellery; crystals come in many forms. For example, thousands years ago crystals such as carnelians were used to make amulets in Ancient Egypt, where sections of the Book of the Dead were carved onto its surface: the finished product was kept in the deceased’s tomb to help their journey into the afterlife. …
It was time to prepare again for the second trip of the year to Madagascar to fill up a twenty foot container full of Crystals and Fossils to bring back to the UK. The journey takes about twenty four hours of travelling filled with excitement at what wonders we will be able to obtain for our customers. It has been eighteen and a half years now of travelling to this mysterious island off the east coast of Africa and i often reflect on the many trips i have taken there in the different seasons.…
Fossils and Crystals are beautiful natural objects which make fantastic gifts at Christmas, Anniversaries, Birthdays or just when you want to give an extra special thank you to someone. If you are a collector a healer or someone who finds mother natures treasures irresistible a fossil or crystal can make a wonderful and unique gift which is timeless and a real talking point and will outlast any gift that will go in or out of fashion.…
Asterism is a name taken from the ancient Greeks and it is the phenomenom of gemstones exhibiting a luminous star like shape when cut into a rounded domed cabochon or even a sphere like the star rose quartz spheres we sell at Madagascan Direct. Not all rose quartz will exhibit asterism but the rose quartz from Madagascar is well known to have a tendancy to produce this wonderful marvel. Natural sunlight is the perfect light to see the …
Pure quartz is beautiful. Sleek clear quartz has a world-renowned aesthetic. Yet alongside pure quartz there exists the equally, if not more, beautiful varieties of quartz which also contain mineral inclusions. Included quartz is the name for quartz pieces which in addition to the usual quartz crystalline structure, are also composed from various other minerals or crystals, for example epidote or tourmaline (the aforementioned ‘inclusions’). …
We have just received the fruits from the trip I took to Madagascar in early March 2016 to fill a 20 foot container full of fossils and crystals. I arrived just after the rainy season and the days were baking hot with cool evenings often interrupted by violent thunder storms which set the skies alight with the dancing lightning and the deep and ominous bellows of thunder reverberating around the capital of Madagascar Antananarivo which is generally affectionately called Tana.…
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