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Citrine is a prized gemstone whose name originates from the Latin word ‘citrina’, meaning lemon, due to its famed lemon-yellow hue. Though many citrine crystals are lemon coloured, this gem exhibits a variety of shades of yellow; from burnt, summery yellows to pale golds. There are many theories about the cause of this rare colour,…
During the Saxon era in Whitby, Yorkshire, legend told of St Hilda’s magical ability to transform snakes into special stones. Worldwide, these rocks were reputed to have varying mythic qualities:…
Throughout history, the art of clairvoyancy has been both prized and feared. Central to this ability, where information is gleaned from senses other than our mundane sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, is the crystal ball. Through crystal gazing, or scrying, fortune tellers profess to see important images in the crystal, which are then interpreted as visions of the past or future.…
The natives of Paul’s Island, off the coast of Labrador in Canada, a geological hotspot for this ‘magic stone’, have told the story of labradorite for generations. The tale recounts the journey of a legendary Inuit warrior, the first to discover that the Aurora Borealis had been stolen from the sky and imprisoned in the gem now known as labradorite. …
248 million years ago, during the Triassic era, there grew a tree which belonged to the genus araucaria. The tree grew in many locations, including the jungles of Mahajanga, Madagascar, where sauropod dinosaurs roamed. Stretching up to 60 metres tall, the majestic tree loomed over vast forests. …
In Greek mythology, celestite is said to originate from the Pleiades (otherwise known as The Seven Sisters), a beautiful network of stars. Hunted by the god Orion, seven girls born to Atlas and Pleione fled from his advances, and in aid of their escape, were transformed into doves by Zeus. The doves flew into the heavens and formed this cluster of stars. …
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