Matching "quartz inclusions" Tag

4 articles 
It is easy to get interested in crystals or quartz crystals as the world knows it. Yet you would be surprised to find the term included quartz used in a number of places that causes you to wonder. Is it a completely new kind of crystal that you just source for yourself and keep adding to your collection? Do not worry unduly though. It is the perfect time to get your facts right. Do a bit of research and find out what exactly does the term mean? It is not something alien though and you may have come across it a lot of times.…
There are very few people not enamored by the brilliance of crystals. While not all of them can be aptly described as a stunning stone yet the colour combos and intrinsic patterns of a variety of both crystals as well as the quartz stones capture the attention.  While both ordinary crystals as well as the rock crystals better known as quartz stones contain a good amount of silicon dioxide, they often differ in terms of properties mainly due to the way they have been shaped.…
Rutilated Quartz is a truly beautiful and enchanting mineral inclusion which can vary in colours from a coppery red to the classic golden rutile needles which are generally seen in jewellery. Rutilated quartz was also known as angel hair or venus stone back in the time and it is not difficult to imagine this when you view the fine hair like needle inclusion perfectly trapped in the quartz frozen in time like they were trapped in ice. Rutile the mineral inclusion in the quartz has a triangonal crystal system and a prismatic habit.…
Pure quartz is beautiful. Sleek clear quartz has a world-renowned aesthetic. Yet alongside pure quartz there exists the equally, if not more, beautiful varieties of quartz which also contain mineral inclusions. Included quartz is the name for quartz pieces which in addition to the usual quartz crystalline structure, are also composed from various other minerals or crystals, for example epidote or tourmaline (the aforementioned ‘inclusions’). …
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