Rutilated Quartz


Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is a truly beautiful and enchanting mineral inclusion which can vary in colours from a coppery red torutilated quartz for sale the classic golden rutile needles which are generally seen in jewellery. Rutilated quartz was also known as angel hair or venus stone back in the time and it is not difficult to imagine this when you view the fine hair like needle inclusion perfectly trapped in the quartz frozen in time like they were trapped in ice. Rutile the mineral inclusion in the quartz has a triangonal crystal system and a prismatic habit. There are many locations where rutilated quartz is found but some of the most prolific are in Brazil and Madagascar. Rutilated quartz is commonly cut into a faceted stone and then made into high quality jewellery. The rutilated quartz that we have for sale on our website has the various colours of rutile and we sell it in the form of cut and polished point, sometimes we rutilated quartz for salewill also have it in cut and polished double terminated points, egg shapes and spheres. Rutilated quartz is becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain and we are always looking to purchase as much of this material as we possibly can for our website madagascan direct.

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