Malacholla Freeform 8.4cm

Malacholla Freeform 8.4cm | Image 1
Malacholla Freeform 8.4cm | Image 2
Malacholla Freeform 8.4cm | Image 3
Malacholla Freeform 8.4cm | Image 4
Dimensions: 8.4cm long, 6.5cm wide, 4.1cm deep
Ref: 18350
Price: £68.00

Malacholla crystals for sale from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

This striking, hand-polished Malacholla Freeform measures 8.4cm long and displays gorgeous turquoise and aqua-blue hues alongside deep emerald greens, given its harmonious mixture of blue Chrysocolla and green Malachite

This Malachite and Chrysocolla crystal displays stunning swirls, orbs, and eye-like patterns.

Please note: this piece displays some natural pits and cavities on its otherwise smooth, polished surface. 

What Is Malacholla Made Of?

Malacholla is a stunning stone which combines two striking minerals: Malachite and Chrysocolla, both of which are copper-based minerals.

What Is Malachite Made Of?

Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral, often found in limestone deposits (the carbon source) alongside azurite and other minerals. 

Deep inside caves, Malachite usually forms in botryoidal (grape-like) clusters or as stalactites

Although similar in patterning to many Agates, Malachite is not a form of Agate. 

This green semi precious stone is often polished to form stunning green gemstones

What Is Chrysocolla Made Of? 

Chrysocolla is a copper silicate mineral which varies widely in composition, owing to the varying percentage composition of copper and silica in each piece. 

The copper included in Chrysocolla is hydrated copper (Copper Hydroxide). 

Often, Chrysocolla can also contain traces of other minerals, elements, and metals such as aluminium.

Very blue specimens of Chrysocolla are known as gem silica: generally, the lighter the colour of Chrysocolla, the higher the silica content, and thus the higher the hardness on the Mohs scale. 

The copper inclusions create the stunning cyan (blue-green) colour Chrysocolla is famous for. 

Where Does Malacholla Come From? 

This piece was sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one of the most important modern suppliers of Malachite. 

Malacholla History

Malachite and Chrysocolla are both stones which have been used for millennia. 

Malachite History

Malachite, along with Lapis Lazuli, is one of the oldest stones known to human civilisation, and was used in many ancient cultures worldwide.

For example, Malachite was revered in Ancient Egypt, where it was used to decorate the tombs of Pharaohs to aid the passage of the dead kings into the afterlife, which was sometimes referred to as the "Field of Malachite". 

Please look at our Malachite Crystal Information Blog if you would like to learn more about the history of Malachite. 

Chrysocolla History

This blue stone, which is also a copper ore, was named by Greek philosopher Theophrastus using the Greek words for gold ("Chrysos") and glue ("Kola"). 

The stone was named thus because it was said to have been used as a flux material to solder gold.

Chrysocolla, alongside other copper minerals such as Malachite and Azurite, is one of the minerals that forms a major component of Eilat Stone (also known as King Solomon Stone), which is the national stone of Israel. 

Malacholla Crystal Healing Properties

Malacholla is believed to have powerful crystal healing properties: given its unique combination of Malachite and Chrysocolla, this stone harnesses the powers of both.

Malacholla is said to be particularly useful for calm and stability during times of stress, as well as when one is in need of a confidence boost, especially when speaking. 

Please note: while it is perfectly safe to touch and hold Malacholla, it is not safe to make and drink crystal elixirs using Malachite, Chrysocolla, or Malacholla, due to these minerals having a high copper content, making them unsafe to ingest. 

Malachite Crystal Healing Properties

Malachite has been used as a protection stone for millennia, and is a perfect stone to take travelling with you if you are in need of an extra boost of confidence and protection. 

Malachite is also known in crystal healing as a growth crystal: its green colouring is strongly symbolic of growth, fertility, and the essence of life itself.  

For this reason, Malachite is a great stone for those interested in boosting their personal development, as well as their connection to nature.

In Feng Shui, Malachite embodies the spirit of wood energy: regeneration, rejuvenation, and nourishment. 

Chrysocolla Crystal Healing Properties

Chrysocolla is said to promote a sense of vitality, energy, and motivation in the user, as well as a sense of peace and inner calm: fitting for a stone which embodies the calming yet majestic energies of the sea. 

Malacholla Chakras

Malacholla is the perfect stone to use when wanting to balance all chakras in the pursuit of cleansing and detoxification.

Malacholla resonates particularly strongly with the Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra, helping one to speak from the heart. 

Malachite Chakras

Malachite is strongly associated with the Heart Chakra: this stone exudes a gentle, loving energy that nurtures compassion for others and self-love. 

Peaceful and tranquil like the leaves it resembles, Malachite is a wonderful stress-reliever. 

Chrysocolla Chakras

This blue semi precious stone is most commonly used with the Throat Chakra because it is believed to be a Stone of Communication.

Chrysocolla is said to help its user to speak clearly and confidently, meaning this stone is helpful for all orators, teachers, and educators. 

Due to its elements of green colouring, Chrysocolla is also aligned with the Heart Chakra, meaning that it exudes a peaceful, compassionate energy. 

When used with the Heart Chakra, Chrysocolla can help build self-compassion as well as improve loving relationships. 

How Hard Is Malacholla?

Malacholla, due to its mixed composition of Malachite and Chrysocolla, can vary in hardness.

Generally, Malacholla tends to measure around 4 on the Mohs scale.

Measuring 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale, Malachite is a relatively soft mineral and great care should be taken whilst handling and storing it to ensure its surface does not become damaged. 

Due to its varying composition, there is no exact figure for the hardness of Chrysocolla on the Mohs scale. 

Generally, it ranges from 2 to 6 on the Mohs scale: a good rule of thumb is that light-blue coloured Chrysocolla specimens are harder due to their high silica content, whilst darker Chrysocolla specimens are softer due to their high copper content. 

Malacholla Collections: Malachite and Chrysocolla

Malacholla is a stunningly unique stone which would make a wonderful addition to any crystal collection, especially alongside specimens of its mineral constituents, Malachite and Chrysocolla

Malacholla would make a great birthstone gift for anyone born in Spring, or for anyone with the Taurus Zodiac sign.

Buy Malacholla crystals online now at Madagascan Direct.

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