Beautiful Semi Precious Stone Bowls


Beautiful Semi Precious Stone Bowls

Minerals found in nature in various forms are available aplenty in jewellery stores as well as in crystal healingAgate Bowl centers. Sure, not everyone can afford the precious gemstones namely emeralds, rubies, diamonds and sapphires. Yet, the yearning for beautiful adornments is not extinguished so simply. The next best thing would be to opt for semi precious stones in the form of Agates, Jaspers, Calcites or Carnelian. The list is by no means exhaustive though and you would be pleased to find that there a number of brilliant pieces of crystals and quartz stones to be found online today.

While many individuals are interested to try out their metaphysical prowess and hope to alter their lives for better, others choose to utilize the magnificent looking mineral pieces, cut and polished to perfection as an essential part of home décor. The lovely bowls created by the artists are no doubt interesting Quartz Bowlartifacts that double up as excellent adornments for your home.

However, simply spending a lot of money on an Agate bowl or the spectacular King Cobra Jasper bowl would not justify your action if you simply place it discretely on a corner table and then forget all about it as it collect dust. On the contrary, you could actually enhance the look of the highly polished bowl and succeed in capturing attention big time.

Here are a few pointers for you to try out. Do check them out and feel free to replicate any of the ideas. Or you are welcome to let your imagination soar as you look intently at the lovely bowl that may have been a bit pricey. No issues, your ideas will help it to make a mark. So, go out and turn the humble bowl into something truly precious.King Cobra Jasper Bowl

Add Freshness to the Room- Place a few select succulent fruits into the hand polished agate bowl and you will find all eyes drawn towards it. A juicy, red apple and fresh green grapes should do the trick but you can choose to fill it up with the local fruits that you may have picked from the nearby orchard. The bowl does not have to be placed on the center table either. Instead use it to create the right effect at luncheon or place it on the kitchen table to encourage healthy eating.

Show Off The Colorful Crystals- A cut glass bowl looks mesmerizing due to the intricately cut edges. No worries when you are reluctant to cut into the brilliant red Jasper bowl though. You will find it to be polished to perfection and totally
moss agate bowlapt to be added to your collection of crystals. Do not keep it under wraps though. Make sure to buy a handful of colorful crystal pebbles or simply place an attractive stalactite slice bang in the center of the red bowl. The contrasting colours will grab the attention of all in the room as the light reflects enticingly from the slices and the edges of the bowl creating a clever ply of colours in the room.

Less Is More- The less is more theory works every time. You will not have to do anything extra when you have already sourced a magnificent semi precious crystal bowl. Whether you have an elegant red or intricate orbicular Jasper bowl in your possession or are intent
 on showing off the elegant yet plain Agate bowl, you will not have to do anything but add a handful of coloured King Cobra Jasper Bowlglass beads into it or a bit of dry decorations. You might go an extra mile by placing a battery operated light to flaunt the reflection of light from its polished surface.

Floral offering- Feel free to add freshly cut flowers inside the crystal bowl and place it as the centre piece of the living room. The heady fragrance coupled with the bright colours will enhance the beauty of the crystal bowl manifold. The only thing you need to bother about is changing the flowers every single day. Try alternating the flowers with candy on Halloween and have the kids thrilled to bits. The crystal bowl will be appreciated as well but do remember to hold on tight for you wouldn’t want to damage it inadvertently.

You do not have to search high and low for finding the right semi precious bowl, however. Just make sure to visit and get your money’s worth.King Cobra Jasper Bowl

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