Fossil Wood


Fossil Wood Facts

You may have come across the term petrified wood and wondered about its meaning. No worries! It is just anotherfossil wood bevel cut polished term for fossil wood that is formed when natural plants and trees get buried under sediments and fail to decay on account of preservation by oxygen and microorganisms that act upon it. The organic matter is replaced by inorganic material over time though while the features of the wood remain virtually intact for millions of years.  Surprisingly it still looks like wood and you would be shocked by the weight of the humble fossil once you try to pick it up.

It is not impossible to come across petrified or fossilized wood though. There are numerous regions across the world that has entire forests of fossil wood pebblethe ancient wood with a number of them being allotted the status of National Forests as well. You cannot go into an area and collect specimens at will though. Be sure to obtain the necessary permits instead and then go ahead collecting the precious pieces that will adorn your home in an offbeat way.

Sure, Arizona is rich in petrified wood as is Australia but you will actually come across a treasure trove of Agatized wood when you set foot into Myanmar. There are huge areas that contain fossil woods in unbelievable vast numbers. You cannot sneak in and collect them to your heart’s content though.  On the contrary, you would have to buy agatized fossil woodthem at elevated prices from the road side vendors with no inkling about its value.

It certainly seems to be roundabout approach that will be both arduous and expensive. Rely on instead and obtain the best pieces at an affordable rate. Feel free to display the items by placing them at strategic corners. You might also inquire about jewellery or a number of hand agatized fossil woodpolished fossil wood pebbles if you are eager to bring the remnants of trees that had
stood tall on this earth many millions of years ago.

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